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Henry was a heavy equipment operator at the stone quarry and also took care of the maintenance of the equipment. It was said that he had a 'feel' for the mechanics of things, and they could not run or repair the equipment without him. 
SCHIFFERLY, Henry (I4965)
Family: Amos ELLIOTT / Belinda PUGH (F768)
Dalphos Leo Watkins
BIRTH 9 Dec 1919Belle Center, Logan County, Ohio, USA
DEATH 13 Jun 1993 (aged 73)Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, USA
BURIAL Memorial Park Cemetery and MausoleumLima, Allen County, Ohio, USA Add to Map
MEMORIAL ID 183327058 · View Source
D. Leo Watkins, son of Arby and Lois, was born in Belle Center, Ohio in his Grandfather Watkins house. He moved to Bellefontaine, Ohio with his parents when he was five and then to Lima, Ohio where we was about nine. He attended Ohio Northern University and Bowling Green Extension College while working as Production Controller at Westinghouse Electric Co. Leo served in the US Army 1942-1945 and was stationed in Panama. After his return from overseas, he trained paratroopers at Ft. Benning, Georgia including the 101st Division. Leo left Westinghouse in 1956 to assume duties of Purchasing Manager of Staco of Dayton, Ohio. He then became Manufacturing Manager of Ledex, Bramco Division in 1962 where he remained until disability forced his retirement in 1978. He married Virginia L. Lee in June, 1945. They had one son, Steven. 
WATKINS, Dalphos Leo (I2828)
Guy Trask
BIRTH 27 Apr 1890Putnam County, Ohio, USA
DEATH 10 Mar 1968 (aged 77)Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio, USA
BURIAL Ridgeway CemeteryRidgeway, Hardin County, Ohio, USA Add to Map
MEMORIAL ID 59166454 · View Source
RIDGEWAY - Services for Guy Trask, 75, Ridgeway, will be 2 p.m. Wednesday in Macke Funeral Home, Mount Victory, with Rev. Richard Kirvan officiating. Burial will be in Ridgeway Cemetery.

Mr. Trask died 5:20 p.m. Sunday in San Antonio Hospital, Kenton, following an extended illness. He was born in Putnam County April 27, 1890, the son of William and Ella Buck Trask. He was married March 20, 1917, to Ouida Lukens, who survives.

Also surviving are a brother, R. P. Trask of Lima, and two sisters, Mrs. Mark Henderson and Miss Lena Trask, both of Columbus Grove.

Mr. Trask, a retired carpenter and electrician, was a member of Ridgeway Church of Christ.
(published in The Lima News, Tuesday, March 12, 1968) 
TRASK, Earl Guy (I16438)
Obituary from Logan County, Ohio newspaper, dated January 30, 1958:

Mrs. Fred Wyburn Succumbs Monday


Mrs. Fred Wyburn, a highly respected resident of Northwood for many years, passed away unexpectedly at 8:15 p.m. Monday in the Ammons Rest Home here. She had been a patient in the rest home for several years after suffering a stroke and being unable to remain in her own home.

Blanche Lenora Wyburn was born in this county on September 11, 1883, the daughter of Thomas Judson and Mary Stearns-Little. Her first husband, Sherman May, preceded her in death as did her second husband, Fred Wyburn, whom she married on January 4, 1906. They were united in marriage by Rev. Knepper in Rushsylvania, Logan County, Ohio at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wyburn. Mr. Wyburn's death occurred on March 11, 1952.

Mrs. Wyburn had been in failing health for several years, having suffered several strokes of paralysis. Death, most certainly, must be a blessing to one so afflicted.

Survivors include a son and daughter by the first marriage. They are: Earl May of Northwood and Mrs. Herman (Eva) Chiles of Bellefontaine.

Also remaining are two sons and three daughters by the second marriage. They are: Joe and Omar Wyburn of Northwood; Mrs. Robert (Lenni) Kellogg of Bellefontaine, Mrs. George (Thelma) Schreiber of Springfield, and Mrs. Paul (Doris) Snider ofXenia ,
Other survivors are : Four sisters, Mrs. Ben Lewis of Northwood, Mrs. Guy Culp of Traverse City, Mich., Mrs. Modock Bowers of Worthington and Mrs. Irma Creek, Bellefontaine; one brother, Omar Little of Thurston (Fairfield County); 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were two brothers, Charles Little of Lima and Lauriston Little of St. Andrews, Fla.

Final rites were conducted this afternoon at two o'clock in the Read Funeral Home with the Rev. Henry M. Lynd, pastor of the local Methodist Church, officiating. Interment was made in the Belle Center-Fairview Cemetery.

Serving as pallbearers were Robert Kellogg, George Schrieber, Herman Chiles, Kentzil May, Don Lewis and Paul Snider, Jr.

Burial: 30 January 1958, Fairview Cemetery, Belle Center, Logan County, Ohio20
Cause of Death: Cerebral Vascular Audent due to Hypertension20 Church Affiliation: Methodist
Medical Information: death occurred within 30 minutes of the stroke 
LITTLE, Blanche Lenora (I3420)
Section I Row 6 Site 43
Plot: I 6 43, bur. 03/05/1895 
WYBURN, Joseph (I3769)
Those mentioned to attend the marriage of John Watkins and Sarah Butler were Andrew Crew, Nannah Elyson, Robert Hunnicut and John Beuford.

Source: "Quaker Records of Henrico Monthly Meeting" by F. Edward Wright, pages 1 - 11

"There was a long-time Quaker family attending the Henrico [Quaker] Meeting by the name of Butler who had moved across the James River to what is now Dinwiddie and Surry Counties. The lands south of the Blackwater River were open for settlement in 1710. John Butler bought lands in Bristol Paris, St. George County, Virginia in 1718. The Butler family had a Quaker meeting known as "The Widow Butler's Meeting" in what is now Dinwiddie County. It was probably named after the mother or mother-in-law of John Butler. John Watkins, the eldest son of Henry Jr., must have known of them as in 1720, when he came of age, he married Sarah Butler at the Curles Quaker Meeting House.

Sarah ... was a daughter of John and Mary (Wallas) Butler of Surry and Dinwiddie Counties. John and Sarah's wedding was recorded in the Curles Meeting House Records. They [John and Sarah] probably lived at and worked the Malvern Hills plantation. They continued to be members of the Curles Meeting for many years. John and Sarah had at least ten children. Many were born at Malvern Hills, but younger children were probably born in Dinwiddie or Surry County.

Source: Watkins, James C., "Ancestors and Descendants of James Watkins of Sussex County Virginia," Linwood, Kansas, c. 1999, pg. 14. 
Family: John WATKINS / Sarah BUTLER (F4506)
8  TODD, William Elwell Jr. (I3574)
9  WESTLAKE, George (I3940)
10  ZELLER, Paul Gettman (I7997)
11  WATKINS, Benjamin (I16569)
12  Family: Kelly M WATKINS / Ella Jane MONTEITH (F847)
13 1779 Warrington MM, York County, PA - request to be received as members.

1780 received as members - Warrington MM - March 11, 1780

1783 Warrington MM, York County, PA to Menallen MM, Adams Co., PA

1785 Menallen MM, Adams Co., PA to Warrington MM, York County, PA

1795 Warrington MM, York Co., PA to Westland MM, Washinton Co., PA dated February 12, 1795

1816 Westland MM, Washington Co., PA to Marlborough MM, Stark Co., Ohio 
ELLIOT, Isaac Sr. (I238)
14 2 Free white males under ten years of age
1 Free white males of ten and under sixteen
1 Free white male of forty-five and upwards including head of family

1 Free white female of under ten years of age
1 Free white female of sixteen and under twenty-six (Sarah Green was 23)
1 Free white female of forty-five and upwards including head of family 
Family: Nehemiah GREEN / Phoebe KIRK (F803)
15 Edward Estey was a doctor according to the Bangs account and lived to be 100 years old. ESTEY, Edward (I3825)
16 Found on list of those freeholders able to present for duty in the militia. Family: William H. HANCOCK, Jr. / Elizabeth SPENCER (F2564)
17 Isaac Jr was lived in Topsfield records as a husbandmen. He inherited the "House on the Hill" from his parents. He remained in Topsfield until he died. Some of his children moved south to Stoughton, MA with their uncle Joseph, His son Richard emigrated to the Maugerville Settlement in Nova Scotia (Now New Brunswick) ESTY, Isaac (I3809)
18 Isaac was a cooper by trade. He owned land in Topsfield home was located on Main street.
Isaac's reaction to the arrest, trial and Conviction of his wife Mary is not recorded save for his life long crusade to have her conviction reversed and won renumeration on behalf of his family for their loss. 
ESTIE, Isaac (I3806)
19 Jeffrey Estie received a settlers grant of land in Mackerel Cove which is now part of the town of Beverly MA. Jeffery followed his daughter Catherine to Little Neck NY (now Huntington) and died there. ESTIE, Jeffrey (I3797)
20 Joseph Estey, his wife Jane and their children moved to Dorchester MA in the late 1600's in an area which in now in Canton, MA. He is buried in Canton Corner Cemetary. He was a road surveyor. There is no indication whether or not this was a paid postion or an elected postion. The reason for the move southward from Topsfield is not clear, whether the horrific incidents involving his mother were a factor is not known. His Brother Isaac's daughter Rebecca, and Children of Brother Benjamin also relocated to Canton MA. There are many direct decendants still living in the Canton area. ESTY, Joseph (I3810)
21 March 24, 1810 Joseph Ellot (spelling per Quaker record) was granted a certificate from Westland MM, Washington County, PA to Salem MM, Columbiana Co., Ohio. He also was a member at Marlborough/Alliance MM, Stark County, Ohio.

Joseph may have been born in Chester County, Pennsylvania. 
ELLIOT, Joseph (I245)
22 Marriage record, State of Ohio, Logan County Family: Edward Horton BROWN / Deborah W. STANTON (F2191)
23 Marriage source: LDS IGI 1988 edition v. 2.09, batch 7125811, sheet 71 Family: Horton R. BROWN / Margaret BATES (F2194)
24 Mentioned in the will of her grandfather, William Hancock; she received the slave, Jack. WHITE, Mary (I11023)
25 " 'Elder' John Alderson, Jr. settled in Monroe County (then Greenbrier Co.), West Virginia in 1777 and later on organized the first permanent Baptist Church in West Virginia on November 24, 1781. He drove the first wagon across the Alleghenies. At this time the settlers were frequently harassed by the inroads of the Indians, and Mr. Alderson was the preacher to go from fort to fort, rifle in one hand and Bible in the other." ALDERSON, Elder John Jr. (I6515)
26 " Peebles -- Near Darlington, Mongomery Co., Indiana on 7th month, 7, 1881, Louisa W., the wife of Benjamin Peeples, age 63, 1 month, 19 days..."
WATKINS, Louisa (I3747)
27 ""Departed this life on the 11th inst. In the 63rd year of her age. Mrs. Elizabeth Harriman, wife of David Harriman, of Hopewell township. The deceased has left a family of nine children to mourn their loss - in the various relations of life she supported an excellent character, and died possessed of the esteem of those who knew her. ADAM, Elizabeth (I4758)
28 "'Elder' John Alderson, Jr. settled in Greenbrier County, Virginia (now Monroe County, West Virginia) in 1777 and later organized the first permanent Baptist Church in [what is now] West Virginia on Nov. 24, 1781. He drove the first wagon across the Alleghenies. At that time the settlers were frequently harassed by the inroads of the Indians, and Mr. Alderson was the first preacher to go from fort to fort with rifle in one hand and Bible in the other."

"In 1777 Rev. John Alderson had taken up 1750 acres of land on the south side of the Greenbrier River. At the same time his brother-in-law, William Morris, took up a tract of the same number of acres on the north side of the same river. John Alderson's home was near the present Alderson Hotel. He had made two missionary trips to the Greenbrier Valley before he located there. The church organized in 1781 was the first of any denomination in what is now southern West Virginia. It was a member of the Ketockton Baptist Association. In 1911 it had 506 members. [pg. 153, "Virginia Valley records: genealogical and historical materials of Rockingham" ... By John W. Wayland] 
ALDERSON, Elder John Jr. (I6515)
29 "... Mary Webster receipted to her son Jonathan Webster, of Lebanon, in full of demands for what was willed to her son, Israel Webster, by his father Jonathan Webster." STRONG, Mary (I14319)
30 "... Mr Brainerd continued his labours in Salem for about two years and was succeeded in June 1826 by Rev Benjamin H Pitman who continued there for about the same length of time

During Mr Pitman's ministry a movement was made to obtain a building suitable for a Bethel Chapel A small building was purchased for the sum of $333 but it was never occupied and finally sold again." 
PITMAN, Rev. Benjamin H. (I10273)
31 "... Richard Minshall, was born in Logan County, Ohio, January, 1813. He had the misfortune to lose 
both of his parents when he was only four years 
of age, and he was reared in the home of Peter 
Kelly. Shortly after reaching his majority he 
married Rebecca Smith, the date of the event 
being March 4, 1834. Six children were born to 
them, and all are still living. For five years after 
his marriage Mr. Minshall helped conduct his fa- 
ther-in-law's farm, but in the fall of 1839 he 
started for Missouri, making the trip overland in 
a wagon. At the end of a seven-weeks journey 
he arrived in Grundy County, bought land and 
started to develop a farm. Soon afterwards he 
took up the study of theology, and for a few 
years was a local preacher. In the year 1847 he 
joined the Southern Methodist Conference, and 
later was regularly ordained, from that time on- 
ward devoting himself to the ministry. When 
the war broke out he enlisted in the Missouri 
State Guards, his regiment being commanded by 
John Turner Hughes. In 1861 he was mustered 
into the regular Confederate service, having the 
same colonel and general. In the fall of 1862 he 
was transferred to General Shelby's division, and 
was appointed Chaplain of Colonel Gordon's 
regiment, serving in that capacity until the close 
of the war. Returning home, he joined his fam- 
ily in this county, where they had moved in his 
absence, and, becoming a member of the South- 
western Missouri Conference, devoted himself 
zealously to his work. From 1878 until his 
death, which occurred July 13, 1889, he dwelt in 
Vernon County, where he was beloved and hon- 
ored by all. His parents were natives of Vir- 
ginia, and were early settlers first in Kentucky, 
and later in Logan County, Ohio. Grandfather 
Minshall was a man of superior education, and fol- 
lowed teaching as well as farming. Both he and 
his wife died while still young and within a short 
time of each other. The parents of Mrs. Rebecca 
Minshall were John and Rebecca (Carrick) Smith, 
pioneers of the Buckeye State, whither they 
moved from their native Virginia in 1813.  
MINSHALL, Rev. Richard McKendin (I13990)
32 "....This Twentieth day of the Eight Month in the year of our Lord One thousant nine hundred and twenty-seven, they, the said ROBERT HAMILTON FARQUHAR and REBECCA HILDEGARDE JACOB appeared in an appointed meeting held at Moylan, in the County of Delaware, in the State of Pennsylvania under the oversidght of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, for the Western District and ROBERT HAMILTON FARQUHAR taking REBECCA HILDEGARDE JACOB by the hand, did, on this solemn occasion, declare that he took her to be his Wife, promising, with DIVINE ASSISTANCE, to be unto her a loving and faithful Husband so long as they both shall live...: Family: Robert Hamilton FARQUHAR / Rebecca Hildegarde JACOB (F4883)
33 "...divorces were granted to Mildred Dinham against Mark O. Dinham. The wife was restored to her maiden name, Mildred Spees." Family: Mark Oswald DINHAM / Mildred SPEES (F2102)
34 "...Elizabeth also held to his loyalty to his faith. At the age of 16 in April 1685, she refused 'for conscience sake' to swear to a deposition she had made. Torrence, William Clayton, "Henrico County, Virginia: Beginnings of Its Families," Part IV, "Watkins Family," 25W(1), pg.55.

The Henrico County Court ordered her imprisonment. In June she was again brought to the bar and 'still persisting in ye same obstinancy as she pretends out of conscience sale and therefore desiring to be excused and her father also humbly seconding her request the court have out of their clemency in consideration of her young years remitted her offence and releast [sic] her of her confinement.' 
WATKINS, Elizabeth (I16560)
35 " 1668 he became a Surry County justice of the peace." HOLT, Randall II (I11013)
36 "...on February, 16, 1624, was a servant in [Dr. John] Pott's household in urban Jamestown." HOLT, Randall I (I12025)
37 "...since what we know about John Riddelsperger of South Carolina-Pennsylvania-Virginia points to his birth about 1743-44, after Christian married Ann Struck and was given his first one hundred acres."

Source: Chapter 1, Page 17 
38 "...Will of Ebenezer Webster of Lebanon. Gave to wife, Mehitable; to daughter, Abigail Fish; and to granddaughter, Triphena Webster. Constituted his daughter, Abigail Fish, his Executrix. Witnesses, David Strong, Jr., Lucinda Fish, and David Strong. Jan. 10, 1786 the witnesses swore to Will. Feb 8, 1786, the Will was exhibited in court, and Abigail Fish accepted as Executor and she gave bonds, with Samuel Fish and John Allen as sureties."
WEBSTER, Ebenezer (I14341)
39 "1712, Aug. 5, John Webster of Lebanon buys of Doc. John Loomis land there and resells it to him the same day." WEBSTER, Captain John (I14296)
40 "1757, May 30, Samuel Terry and Sarah, his wife, both of Lebanon, Ct., for 17 pounds in household goods given at the marriage of said Samuel to said Sarah, and 30 pounds now paid, by Samuel Webster, they quit-claim their right in the estate of our honored father, George Webster, deceased." TERRY, Samuel (I14372)
41 "1810, 6 mo [White] Ann (now Watkins) disowned for marrying contrary to discipline."

This suggests that either Ann married another Quaker without first getting the permission of the Quaker monthly meeting or that she married outside the Quaker faith. Unfortunately it does not tell us whom Ann married. 
WHITE, Anne (I119)
42 "49th Infantry Regiment, organized in December, 1861, at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, contained men recruited in Montgomery, Dickson, Robertson, Benton, and Cheatham counties. On February 16, 1862, it was captured at Fort Donelson and reported 300 engaged and 21 killed or wounded."
Military bio by Scrappy  
TIDWELL, Moses (I8645)
43 "9 Mar. 2017,05:50: Esmé (Pieterse) van der Westhuizen edited the Biography for Eleanor (Posey) Burns. [Thank Esmé for this | 1 thank-you received]" Family: Capt. Ignatius BURNS / Eleanor POSEY (F982)
44 "Gertrude Herr also had fond memories of Mary Schifferly Herr: 'A wonderful woman. All the boys except Walter and Charles left home before they were 21. Their Mother said they would each have a horse and buggy if they remained at home until they were 21. Walter took the equivalent of the horse and buggy -- $100.00 -- and went on to Bible School. Several of the older boys went on to Normal School at Ohio Northern University, and then taught school. One of the boys, Albert, went to medical school after an apprenticeship with a local doctor. The other boys all did well, mostly farming, and they were all good workers.'" SCHIFFERLY, Mary Ann (I3886)
45 "ELLIOTT--Rev. John Nelson Elliott, of the Iowa Conference of the M.E. Church, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, December 8th, 1842, and died at the residence of Dr. Wesley J. Green, in Richwoods, Jefferson County, Iowa, September 5th 1872; aged 29 years, 8 months and 27 days.

His youth was spent at his father's home, where the opening of the Southern rebellion found him a stripling of nineteen years. Fired by the spirit of patriotism, which moved so many brave men to do or does for their country's defense, he resolved early upon entering the Union army -- meeting with opposition from his friends on account of his youth, he left his father's house and made his way across the Ohio river late Virginia, where he enlisted in the First Regiment of the Virginia Union Cavalry, in August, 1861. That regiment was largely composed of men who had been driven from their houses by the forces of rebellion, and whose earthly all was at stake in the overthrow of treason. Every man had a personal interest in the fight, and all of them were heroes. Bravest among the brave was John N. Elliott; indeed his courage frequently assumed the form of deparation. He seemed to know no fear, and to have a contempt for danger and death. It is said of him that he would not, unless compelled, turn his back even-----

Source: The Fairfield Ledger, Sept. 12, 1872, Page 3 Column 5 & 6
The copy of the article from which I transcribed this obituary is, for some reason incomplete. 
ELLIOTT, Rev. John Nelson (I3927)
46 "A Civil War veteran, he enlisted in Lancaster August 4, 1862, mustered into federal service there August 11 as a private with Co. C, 122nd Pennsylvania Infantry. He deserted to date August 28, 1862, but returned to duty March 30, 1863, under President Lincoln's amnesty proclamation. He thus honorably discharged with his company May 15, 1863. He is in the company register, muster roll, and Bates as "Fillenbaum." He also enlisted in Lancaster June 29, 1863, during the Gettysburg crisis, mustered into state service there July 2 as a private with Co. F, 50th Pennsylvania Militia, and honorably discharged with his company August 15, 1863. His surname is spelled 'Fellabaum' in the muster roll, yet his brother Jesse is in the same muster roll as 'Fellenbaum'." FELLABAUM, Peter J (I9651)
47 "A debate between John Watkins and Edward Mosby concerning John Watkins unjustly taking cider from Mosby was settled when John Watkins acknowledged fault and Edward Mosby forgave him."

"Quaker Records of Henrico Monthly Meeting" by F. Edward Wright, pages 1 - 11 
WATKINS, John (I16568)
48 "A former Lima man and son of the former president of the Lima Business College, William Pears, 34, a Cleveland author, died in that city Thursday morning. He had been ill only a short time." PEARS, William Howard (I4221)

"Stephen Harriman died at his home in Perry township, Sunday ngith, at 10:30 o'clock, aged 82 years, 6 months and 10 days.

Mr. Harriman was born in Washington county, PA., December 29, 1817 and came with his parents, Simpkin and Sarah Green Hamilton, to Logan county in 1825, settling in Perry township, where he spent the rest of his life as a successful farmer, beginning with 60 acres, which he increased to 268.

He was married at the age of 22 to Miss Harriet Watkins of Jefferson township. To them were born four children, William H., who died a prisoner at Andersonville, Ann E., wife of Jr. John Gwynn Shepherd, a minister in Kansas, and Thomas, who lives at the home farm.

Mr. Harriman had been a member of the M.E. Church for more than fifty years, was a man always kindly and cheerful, beloved of his family, and highly esteemef of all.

His death was the result of a runaway accident, that occurred about two months ago, in which he had his ankle broken. The bones never knitted, and he never recovered from the nervous shock, but gradually lost his strength.: 
HARRIMAN, Stephen (I19930)
50 "A native of Portsmouth, he was employed at Norfolk Naval Shipyard for 31 years as a draftsman. He was very active in local bicycle clubs, was an avid runner, and enjoyed exercising. He was a graduate of Deep Creek High School and served an apprenticeship at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. He was a very proud father.

Survivors include his daughter, Sherri L. Williams of Portsmouth; son Robert Williams of Chesapeake; sister, Barbara Bisese of Portsmouth; and brother, Lee Watkins of Chesapeake. 
WILLIAMS, Fetzer Robert (I10525)

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