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The Israel Cowles Family in 1852

Traced from Israel Cowles, both ways.

"Israel Cowles, born in 1726, was a native of Hatfield, son of John Cowles of Hatfield. John, the father, moved to Amherst, about 1729. His son John, was born at Amherst in 1731. John, the father, was son of Jonathan Cowles of Hatfield; Jonathan was son of John Cowles who went from Hartford, Conn. to Hatfield, among the first settlers of that place. He had two sons ­ Jonathan and Samuel; Samuel had two sons ­ Samuel and Ebenezer. Samuel, son of Samuel and brother of Ebenezer, early went to Coventry, Conn.; his father, Samuel, died at Hatfield in 1744; by his Will he gave to his son Samuel, living in Coventry, his lands in Coventry; to his son Ebenezer, his debts due to him and his household furniture. Ebenezer lived in Hatfield. A branch of this family from John, the common ancester, early went to Farmington, Conn.

The two brothers, Israel, and John, were among the early settlers here [Belchertown, MA], though not among the first; they probably came here in 1752. They both engaged in service in the French War and went from this place for the relief of Fort William Henry, in 1757.

I. Israel died in this town in 1797, aged nearly 71. He left two sons:

  1. Josiah, born 1760. Josiah died in 1822, leaving three sons-Israel, Mala, and Josiah, who died in 1851, aged 58.
  2. Amasa, born 1768. Amasa, left one son, Ariel, and a daughter.

Descendants from these branches of the family are residing among us.

II. John Cowles, died in 1811, aged 80. He left sons:

  1. John, born 1758: he died in 1830;
  2. Abner, born 1761: he died in May, 1837;
  3. Joshua, born 1775: died in 1842;
  4. Enos, born 1777;
  5. Vester, born 1779.

Descendants from these branches of the family are residing here."


The Family of Israel Cowles View facsimile of original document.

Source: Doolittle, Mark. Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church in Belchertown, Mass, [Northampton, Massachusetts: Hopkins, Bridgman &Co.], 1852, Appendix M, p. 270. (Note: Lightly edited for clarity)

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